Áreas o Líneas de Investigación:
Físico-Química orgánica de sistemas microheterogéneos: macrociclos, micelas y vesículas.
Físico-Química de sistemas supramoleculares y su aplicación en organocatálisis y sensores.
Diseño de estructuras supramoleculares y su evaluación en drugs delivery.
QIM150 Química Física
QIM510 Práctica Profesiona (Química)
QPG3102 Química Inorgánica Avanzada.
Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Amphiphilic Amino Acid-functionalized Pillararenes as Biomimic Asymmetric Organocatalysts.
Investigador Responsable.
Fondecyt Regular 1171870, ANID.
Centro Interdisciplinario de Líquidos Iónicos (CILIS)..
Investigador joven.
Toxinas de Interés para la Biomedicina.
Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (Cyted).
Nucleofugality hierarchy, in the aminolysis reaction of 4-cyanophenyl 4-nitrophenyl carbonate and thionocarbonate. Experimental and theoretical study.
Montecinos, R., Aliaga, M. E., Pavez, P., Cornejo, P., Santos, J.G.
New Journal of Chemistry (2021).
Supramolecular kinetic effects by pillararenes: the synergism between spatiotemporal and preorganization concepts in decarboxylation reactions.
Silveira, E. V., Montecinos, R., Scorsin, L., Garcia-Rio, L., Medeiros, M., Nascimento, V., Nome, F., Affeldt, R. F., Micke, G. A.
New Journal Of Chemistry (2021).
Investigation about the complexation of trimethylammonium-derived pillar[5]arene with indole and azaindole derivatives.
Montecinos, R., Diaz-Wilson, F., Bravo-Sepulveda, A., Salas, C. O., Recabarren-Gajardo, G., Nome, F.
Journal Of Physical Organic Chemistry (2019).
The effect of the electrophilic group on the hierarchy of nucleofuges in the aminolysis reactions of thiol- and dithiocarbonates with secondary alicyclic amines: A kinetic and theoretical study.
Montecinos, R., Gazitua, M., Santos, J. G.
New Journal Of Chemistry (2019).
Imidazole-Functionalized Pillar[5]arenes: Highly Reactive and Selective Supramolecular Artificial Enzymes.
Wanderlind, E., Liz, D., Gerola, A., Affeldt, R., Nascimento, V., Bretanha, L., Montecinos, R., Garcia-Rio, L., Fiedler, H., Nome, F.
ACS Catalysis (2018).
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